
Judging the Chow Chow


This thorough presentation by Dr. Gail Forsythe, provides an in depth look to what conformation judges are looking for while judging the breed. (Russian version below) Dr Gail Forsythe CHOW CHOW PRESENTATION Part 1Dr Gail Forsythe CHOW CHOW PRESENTATION Part 2Dr Gail Forsythe CHOW CHOW PRESENTATION Part 3Dr Gail Forsythe CHOW CHOW PRESENTATION Part 4

Judging the Chow Chow2021-05-02T19:13:38+00:00

Chow Chow Colors


The chow chow may be any clear color, solid throughout, with lighter shadings on ruff, tail, and breechings. Most common are: black, red, cream, cinnamon and blue. Red Black Cream Cinnamon Blue

Chow Chow Colors2021-05-27T01:20:41+00:00
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