Our Objects
Protect the distinctive traits of the breed, as per CKC breed standard Set health test and breeding standards for members
Promote the breed by educating breeders and the public about Chow Chows
Hosting CKC official events conformation shows, rally, agility, obedience, trick dog
Hosting nonofficial events: Chow Chow picnics, grooming seminars, health clinics
Promote the involvement of youth with the Chow Chow breed
Promote the Chow Chow breed with the Public: Public awareness of the breed by producing education materials
Promote the Chow Chow breed with the Public: Public awareness of the breed by producing education materials
Recognition from the club for health testing – hips and elbows.
Collaborate with experts on a temperament test
Promote the breed’s specific health and temperament tests and other incentives for member breeding programs.